Siddhartha Bali Resort We Are Open
Siddhartha Oceanfront Resort & Spa Bali Indonesia
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
– Jacques Cousteau
We’ve long been enchanted by the world’s oceans and seas. For over a decade we’ve helped bring that sense of wonderment to visitors and introduced our guests to the magic of what lies beneath the surface right outside our resort here in Bali.
This month, to acknowledge that enchantment, we celebrated World Manta Day on September 17th, a special day that reminds us of both the importance and the fragility of our oceans and the majestic creatures who live there.
We also have a special discount offer for the holiday season, where you can trade in dreary skies and chilly temperatures for the warm tropical sun and spectacular reefs.
To further excite you about what to do on a trip to Bali, we’ve launched our new tours and activities booklet that is available for download. More than just outlining the vast array of amazing experiences you can enjoy during your time on the island, the pages give insight into the local culture and traditions, whetting your appetite for travel to this tropical paradise.
Read on to find out more…
Plan Your Winter Holiday In Bali 
Book your winter getaway before November 1st, 2022, and get 15% off published room rates and 15% off pre-booked packages of six dives.

Enjoy direct access to the spectacular reefs, exciting drift dives, and the weird and wonderful world of macro off the shores of East Bali. We have a fully equipped SSI Dive Center on our property with direct access to a thriving house reef and some of Bali’s most famous dive sites.  

This offer is available for stays from now until October 31, 2022 and again during the year-end holiday season from December 15, 2022 – January 5, 2023.

Visit our website for more details and terms and conditions.

World Manta Day

Our Limited Time
2022 Holiday Special Offer

Book Before November 1, 2022
15% off any reservation

Includes (per person):
60-minute Balinese Massage
Divers also get 15% off when they
pre-purchase a 6-pack of dives
(house reef & local dive sites)

World Manta Day

Manta Rays are threatened. Climate change, irresponsible tourism, and overfishing has dramatically decreased the numbers of these incredibly intelligent and almost other-wordly creatures.
In the past, Indonesia contributed to this problem but since 2014 they have banned the fishing of Manta Rays. Now these graceful and completely harmless marine animals  are thriving in the waters around Bali. We want to keep it that way.

World Manta Day is a time to celebrate Mantas and raise awareness of how special they are. These stunning fish can grow up to a colossal seven meters  in wingspan and are also among the smartest animals in the ocean. Even though the day has now passed, if you are lucky enough to have dived with a Manta we suggest you share your favorite photo or video on social media this month with #WorldMantaDay. (and remember to tag us too if your sighting was on one of your dives with us!)

We at Siddhartha always follow safe and responsible diving practices that ensure we are just observers in the ocean and pose no risk to the animals we encounter on our dives. 
We understand that part of the fun of a vacation is the dreaming and planning phase. Immersing yourself in literature, YouTube videos, and social media posts of a destination, helps you transition from fantasy to actuality and gets you more excited about what lies ahead.
Our tours and activities booklet, with details on a range of experience options, was designed to help you along on your planning journey. Whether it be rafting through a deeply carved valley with towering waterfalls or marveling at the myriad of historic shrines and temples built in honor of Hindu gods and goddesses, there’s no shortage of options to choose from.

Dream and scheme by looking through what’s on offer here.

You may also enjoy taking in the island through the lens of Hugo Moussy:

We look forward to welcoming you back.
Until we meet again,

Your Siddhartha Oceanfront Resort & Spa Team



We are CHSE Certified Resort.